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Technical assistance: Quick Guides

IGBT T-MAC “short circuit” alarm assistance

With the generator switched off:

  1. Check if you have holes in the silicone coverings of discharge rolls (if presents).
  2. Check if you have holes or cracks in the ceramic electrodes (if presents).
  3. Check if the THF (High Frequency Transformer) is connected to the generator.
  4. Check the AIR-GAP on the treater unit (follow the instructions in the treater handbook).

If your problem persist contact our technical team or send an email.

Treatment corona shortage

Checking of working conditions

  1. Check the air-gap (the distance between electrodes and discharge rolls). Is it correct? A bigger air-gap reduces the treatment. For measuring the air-gap use a pre-calibrated gauge made of plastic materials. It must be 1.5 mm for aluminium electrodes and 1.3 mm for ceramic electrodes (or ceramic discharge roll) on all electrodes width.
  2. Is the generator working at the maximum power value? A lower power output can decrease the treatment’s result.
  3. Have you increased the working speed? A higher working speed could reduce the treatment. If it is possible go more slowly.
  4. If supplied, have you turned the R.P.V. (regulation of power proportional to the speed)  function off? If you make a test at slow working speed when R.P.V. function is off, you can increase the generator’s power even at very low speed with the consequence of increasing the corona discharge’s concentration.
  5. If you have segmented electrodes, be sure of using only the segments of electrode that cover the film. A better discharge’s concentration helps to reach higher treatment’s results. Lift up all those segments of electrodes that do not cover the film. And remember: the generator will adapt itself automatically to the effective electrode-in-charge width.

Material technical data

Does the material contain a high quantity of slip agents?

High slip content reduces the treatment’s effect. If it is possible, reduce, as much as you can, the slip agents or additives you’re using.

Checking of TEST INKS

  1. Check if test inks you have bought or you have produced are conforming to the following rules (or equivalents). DIN 53-364 o ASTM D2578-84. If they are not asks for them.
  2. How old are they? You should change them every 6 months.
  3. Do you always close them after use? Some components they’re made of could evaporate. The value could be modified by this effect.
  4. Verify you always keep TEST INKS at a temperature below 25°C. High temperature will vary the values.

Do you know the quick dyne test?  By mean of Dyne Test Pens and Corona Markers you can quickly assess if a material is treated or not. It's a very fast test!