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Consulting and training

We support customers in choosing the most functional solution and train technical staff for the optimal use of our surface treatments.

We have been integrating our own corona treaters on flexible packaging extrusion and converting production lines for over 55 years.

Through collaboration with the world's leading manufacturers, we follow the technological evolution of materials and developments in the extrusion, converting and printing sectors to propose customized and up-to-date solutions.

We can provide timely advice to address specific needs: avoiding material waste, using sustainable materials that require optimization of material surfaces, and performing corona treatment without altering the chemical and physical properties of the material.

We can perform tests on customer samples in the in-house lab and evaluate the effects of corona treatment and its durability.


Our technicians provide important instruction in installation, testing, and maintenance procedures for corona and plasma treatment systems, as well as technical support services and customized training.

Training enables customers to:

  • take full advantage of the features of corona and plasma treatment systems, accurately determining the speed and power characteristics of the treatment for optimal results
  • independently and safely handle any routine maintenance or breakdown operation
  • use and handle the components of the plasma and corona treatment systems, providing directions for use and information on spare parts
  • provide valuable guidance on the use of the Surface Tension Measurement Kit to properly verify that surface treatment has been successful.